SugarCRM Creating Email Signature


Steps to help users create email signatures in SugarCRM to look like the one's created in Outlook


The goal of this article is to show you how to create your own email signature to have it look the same as the one's used in Outlook.

  1. From Sugar Navigate to the Email Module on the left hand bar and select the 3 dots next to the letter icon
    1. Emails -> Create Email Signatures
  2. Creating the Signature
    1. Enter in a name for the signature
    2. In the main body of the signature add the following items
      1. First Line: Your Name 
      2. Default font, Bold Size 12
    3. Second Line: Title/Position
      1. Recommend Copy/Paste this line from Outlook Signature
        1. Remove Bold, 10.5 Font (Size from Outlook), Arial Font or default font
    4. Third-Sixth Line: Phone, Email, Address
      1. Insert Phone Image (See Below for instructions on how to insert an image into Sugar Template)
        1. When uploading ensure the following width/height is used:
          1. Cell Phone (10X16)
          2. Phone (15X14)
          3. Email (15X12)
          4. Location (15X19)
      2. Default font, Size 10
    5. 7th Line: Stellar Logo
      1. Insert Image (See Below for instructions on how to insert an image into Sugar Template)
      2. When uploading ensure the following width/height is used:
        1. 137X48
  3. Uploading an Image
    1. Note: The images used can be found attached to this knowledge article in TDX.
    2. Select the Upload Image Button (making sure the typing cursor is where you want to image to appear in your signature)
      1. Image is directly below the font size on the toolbar.
      2. Select Upload, and then "Browse for an Image
      3. ​​​
    3. Select the image you wish to upload
      1. Ex: Phone, Logo, etc.
    4. Modify the Width/Height according to the list above for lines 3-7 to make sure the size is correct, and save.
    5. Repeat the above steps for the other images until complete.
      1. If you need to make a change to the size of the image, you can select it from the body and then click on the upload button again to make edits.



Article ID: 21308
Tue 9/10/24 4:25 PM
Mon 9/16/24 11:40 AM

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Address.png Computer

Tue 9/10/24 3:26 PM

Cell Phone.png Computer

Tue 9/10/24 3:26 PM

Email.png Computer

Tue 9/10/24 3:26 PM

Office Phone.png Computer

Tue 9/10/24 3:26 PM

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Tue 9/10/24 3:26 PM