If there is a screen (list view) or a dashboard that you wonder if there are additional fields associated with it, you can check the control properties and un-hide ones that are available. The steps are below.
1. Select Tools - Personalization. A box will pop up entitled Control Properties.

2. IMPORTANT - in order to enable, you must click on a cell. Example, in Labor Edit, I clicked on the job cell and it enabled the columns layout in the personalization.

3. Under Collection, select the drop down. This will bring up all the fields available. If you click on "hidden" it will sort all the ones hidden to the top.

4. Uncheck which field you'd like to display.
5. Click OK
6. The field typically will appear at the end of the columns. Drag and place where needed. Remember to "Save Layouts" for it to appear in that order the next time you open this screen.
- If you're accessing from your favorites, you may need to remove the favorite and re-add after you've made these changes.
- If you do not see the Collection box enabled, you haven't clicked on a cell in the screen or dashboard.
- If you do not see the field you were looking for, the table is not associated with this screen.