This article is to assist in how to customize the Kinetic home screens to suit individual needs. This is particularly useful if you do not have access to some of the modules on the home screen, or if they are pointed to the wrong company site (Ex: SII vs STTS).
1) To begin you will first need to start on the Kinetic home screen you wish to modify. This can be any of the various sites (Garner, Mason City, etc.), and can be done in both SII and STTS.

2) Select the 3 Dots/Ellipses in the upper right corner, and select Edit. (Note: You may be prompted to make a copy of the default layout, as it is shared company wide. Select "Yes" to make a copy that you can edit to fit your needs)

3) Now that Epicor is in Edit mode, you will be able to modify each widget/tile on the home screen. To do this, select the 3 dots/ellipses for any/all tiles that you wish to modify (or remove if there are more than you need). You can also add additional tiles from the right "Add Widget" menu, by adding another "App Link".

4A) Once editing a tile, there are 2 options to make the tile suit your needs. The first option is to modify the company and site that the tile is pointing to so that Kinetic will open the correct corresponding screen. (Ex: switch from SII to STTS for the Job Tracker tile, and Kinetic will open the STT Job Tracker, and no other edits are required).

4B) The second option is to modify the "App" which allows you to search for the screen as you would normally, and filters only to the screens/modules that you have access to.